Monday, June 14, 2010

The Potbelly: Coming Soon to a Town Near You.

We returned today, from our mini-vacation to the big apple. My husband and I love New York City. Let me expand on that. We love to visit New York City. We have no interest in living there and actually find it quite amazing that people do. It astonishes me with every trip the way that it works. With the level of diversity, the density of the population, and the number of honking horns, it surprises me that anarchy does not break out.
As I walked from our hotel on 50th between 3rd and Lexington, I was so happy to be with the people. Oh the people. NYC truly defines America, and truly is the real deal. With each person that passes, there is a wonder for me about how they got there.
What struck me with this visit?
The potbelly is back.
I'm not talking about the large protruding bellies that are an obvious result of being unhealthy. I am referring to the small, soft bellies on women otherwise in good shape. Ladies of all backgrounds and ethnicities are proudly sporting their lovely (wow, I just used the word lovely, hmmm) kangaroo pouches. Don't get me wrong there were plenty of women who had zero percent body fat and flat bellies walking the streets.
But, there was a discernible amount of women, that were proudly highlighting their potbellies.
I was particularly happy about this trend. I know that I am often blogging about being in good shape, but there is something so sexy about a woman with a potbelly. I am not sure if it is the thoughts of childbearing, lovemaking, or self confidence that makes the potbelly on a woman so appealing to me.
We all know Fabienne and Butch's famous conversation in Pulp Fiction about Fabienne wishing she had a pot and Butch asking her if she wished she had more pot. It was the end of their conversation, particularly the last line, that strikes me.

Fabienne: No. Pot bellies make a man look either oafish, or like a gorilla. But on a woman, a pot belly is very sexy. The rest of you is normal. Normal face, normal legs, normal hips, normal ***, but with a big, perfectly round pot belly. If I had one, I'd wear a tee-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it.
Butch: You think guys would find that attractive?
Fabienne: I don't give a damn what men find attractive. It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same. "

Touch has emotion. Touch arouses more than just the body, but the mind and the spirit (think making love to your soulmate). Touch can temporarily block all other senses or cognition's (think getting together with the guy you just meant at the bar).
Love is love, lust is lust, either way, touch is powerful and raw.
I am a proud supporter of the potbelly, in fact on most days I sport one myself. NYC usually initiates trends before the rest of the world can tell. So with any luck in the near future, you will be witness to the potbelly in a town near you.
How do you feel about that?

PS: If you are thinking I just went on a tangent with the psychoanalysis of touch, I did. That is the beauty of having a blog. It is mine and I can do what I want with it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Teenage Syndrome

The sad passing of Henry Granju, a boy that I recently came to know through his mothers words, got me thinking about my own very turbulent teenage years. I was raised by wonderful parents, I mean truly amazing people. My father, the son of poor folks and my mother, the daughter of even poorer folks.
Dad is probably as close to Jesus as I have seen. (BTW, I am not a religious person looking for ways to compare biblical characters to my life.) Anyone reading this who knows him will most likely attest to this fact. For a man of his status, his humility is hard to wrap your mind around. I once heard someone who worked for my dad say that if he sat next to him in a dingy bar in the worst part of town, he would NEVER know that my dad was, what he is.
My mother, The Beautiful Warrior, is the strongest woman I know. As a survivor of childhood abuse, she spent most of her life healing. Luckily she found writing early on to express herself. The pain that she faced was incomprehensible by most and as she reminds me, "she would never want me to know." She faced her pain head on, with not a single vice, and without perpetuating the abuse. She is the most loving kind of human, with a heart that is arguably too big. As for her spirit, it is the most free, for better or worse.
Together they are an odd couple. Their physical differences alone, with almost a foot of height between them. They are the manifestation of ying and yang, complementary opposites within a greater whole.
As for me, I was a good kid who got mixed up with other good kids who did bad things. Does that make sense? Sadly, I think it often does. I did not come from a bad family or live in a bad neighborhood, and I certainly was a wanted child. I was experiencing what I like to call teenage syndrome, a temporary disease caused by a rapid stage of physical and mental development. One of the symptoms of a teenager is thinking they know everything and worse thinking they know how to handle everything themselves. Add an intelligent mind, and trouble is inevitable. (I often tell my husband's 14 year old sister that she should assume that she is under the control of a syndrome that makes her think she is smarter than she really is. It seems to make sense for her to understand that her judgement is temporarily impaired by the syndrome and therefore she has to revert to what us adults tell her. I explain that by truly grasping that concept she is a head above the rest.)
Couple all of that with parents who believe that their children are "just being teenagers," assuming that experimentation is normal and will not lead to anything more. Or the parents that feel guilty because they "used to do it," or still do for that matter. Then we have the parents who live by the motto "Ignorance is Bliss," wearing blinders usually without even knowing it and mostly because they can not handle it.
My teenage behavior could have had some serious consequences and sometimes it did. I was lucky to have a brother who turned me in; took the blinders off my parents weary eyes. For me it was not too late, I was able to make a change. But for others, especially those with predisposition to addiction or mental illness, there can be a point of no return.
The temptation to be a cool parent is a hard one to fight. But we must protect our children from their owns selves during this very critical transition period from child to adult.
Having said that, it is hard to know exactly how much control we should have over our kids.
My blogging comrade Galit wrote these wise words, "But in parenting, hand-in-hand with love, is control. In the form of responsibility, accountability and consequences. And that should start when kids are little. You can’t go for a decade all lovey-dovey and then suddenly come down with with all of those -itys. You know what’s right. You know what choices are okay with you. And you also know why."
One thing I do know is that I will work to lessen my judgements of others. Katie Granju lost her son, and there was certainly no lack of love or good parenting.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

"If You're Reading This"

I wasn't planning on writing about Katie Granju and her son Henry's sad passing. So many have reached out with their words to pay tribute to this suffering family.
It was when I was driving today and heard the song, "If You're Reading This" by the talented Tim McGraw that I became inspired.
The song begins with these words.

If you're reading this
My momma is sitting there
Looks like I only got a one way ticket over here
I sure wish I could give you one more kiss
I'm up here with God
And we're both watching over you

I immediately thought of Katie and the depth of her pain, now. Even more, what is to come when the initial protection that God gives us in these situations wears off and life keeps happening.
Still listening...

So lay me down
In that open field out on the edge of town
And know my soul
Is where my momma always prayed where it would go.
If you're reading this I'm already home.

As I listen, I feel deeply sad, brought to tears for a mother and her baby boy. A mother who undoubtedly loves this boy more than life itself.
Katie and I are strangers. But all mothers are so completely connected when it comes to the love, the undying adoration, we have for our children.
My mother, who survived extreme childhood abuse, always told me that her healing may make her crazy, but if she ever lost me, that would be it.
And when I lost my baby at 7 weeks gestation, a misfortune that some do not even consider a loss, I felt doors of pain open up in my soul that I didn't know existed.
But even more, when I hold my baby girl everyday, I feel love that I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams.
The loss of a child is incomprehensible pain. It will never fully go away, nor would we want it too, but time will heal your heart Katie. Time will give you back your breath.

Just remember this
I'm in a better place
Soldiers live in peace and angels sing amazing grace

Henry you are a soldier, your passing will not be in vein, your memory will live on.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Skinny Bitch

Last August the dam book finally got me. I had seen it on the shelves floating around for weeks. I even picked it up a couple of times briefly to immediately throw it back on the shelf and tell myself that I have no reason to read this book. Somehow it just continued to end up in my eye sight (I know, most likely it was not "meant to be" but rather good marketing on the part of Barnes and Nobles). I finally caved and purchased it during the week that my husband invited his family to stay with us. Enough Said. I had not even read the back of the book. Judging by the title coupled with the fact that it was a New York Times Bestseller, I was expecting a book about the plight of being overweight and how to FIX IT. Boy was I in for a surprise. And it wasn't a pleasant one.
This book was far from the usual diet book that offered quick fixes and 10 minute workouts. The information in this book is not to be taken lightly. I offer a full disclaimer, here and now, READER BEWARE. Once you read this book you will never look at food the same again. You can not go back and forget, the information will stick to you like SUPER FUCKING GLUE. So if you are considering Skinny Bitch for a summer read, be sure to eat as much of what you like for about a week first. All day everyday, eat, eat, eat.
Maybe I am ignorant, but I had NO idea what my chicken or bacon went through to get to me. And frankly that is an entirely separate post that will take some real heart to explain. It's seriously a dam shame and I am embarrassed that for the past 30 years I have been a mindless drown completely unaware of this horrifying situation.
And the information about humans being unable to process meat and in no way biologically created to hunt meat. How much sense does that make? I don't know about you, but I couldn't kill an animal with my bare hands and I certainly don't have claws.
Did you know that animals have a really short intestinal track that allows them to expel meat almost immediately? Not you sweetheart. You have super long intestines made for processing mostly fruits, veggies, and grains. Guess what happens when the meat tries to make its way out of you. YUP, you got it. It sticks to the inside of your intestines and ROTS! If you take a peek behind you next time you are on the toilet, you will notice that your movements are quite shoddy and not very whole. After giving up meat for 2 weeks my stuff was SOLID! Straight up Diesal, as my boy Deehan or my sister from another mister Erin, would say.
Here is another one that blew my lid. Humans only produce the enzyme that breaks down lactose for the first two years of life. So for those first two glorious years of nipple sucking, we have what it takes and after that we are on our own to process milk products without any real help. That explains why you end up gassy and bloated every time you digest milk products. We are all pretty much lactose intolerant after age 2. And we are the only mammals on earth to drink milk after two. Furthermore, we are the only species that drink milk of another species. Let's take that a step further and realize that nearly any animals milk IS suitable to drink, but Cow's milk is the MOST profitable.
Here is the deal. I never ate another piece of meat (Except for some Jewish Penicillin once or twice) since I finished Skinny Bitch. But there is an important concept to note. The authors, Rory and Kim, advocate for a vegan lifestyle. Although my husband and I have 1 week of veganism a year, the lifestyle just does not work for me. At least not yet. What I am trying to say is, I recommend this read, no question, but do what is right for you. Knowledge is everything.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Carolyn, Angel of Mine

Friday evening I dreamt of my dear childhood playmate. When I think of my childhood, I think of Carolyn. She was my neighbor from birth through age 10 or 11. The details escape me. I can still see her angelic face, her soft pale skin and her golden locks. We played for hours on end, played and played.
As I walked in the receiving line the day of her laying to rest, I cried harder than I have ever cried before. It was an uncontrollable wail, a howl that in a normal setting would have been heard miles away and would have commanded help of some kind. But that day, May 29th, 2003, everybody cried. The room was filled with tears, heartache, loss and love. As I approached my dear childhood companion laying still in her casket, my cries were replaced with peace. That was the effect that Carolyn had in life and now in death.
Thinking about the last interaction her and I had is hard. Almost 5 years in a new home, with new friends, we passed in the hall at school. She suggested we get some lunch over the weekend. I can still picture the very hall, the color of the walls, her backpack, my black boots. It was if somewhere inside me, I was aware that this would be my final conversation with her. To remember so clearly. To remember SO clearly.
We never did have that lunch. That will always be my biggest regret. I know that I could not have saved her, Carolyn's life and death was predetermined. But I could have said I love you. I could have reminded her of the way we used to paint her driveway with water and really believed it was paint every time. Or of the million or so times we watched Annie together. I could have told her how I cried for hours the day my dad told me we were moving. I could have just held her hand or her body.
This was not the first time Carolyn has come to visit me. When I lost my baby a few years back she came to me several times. She brought light to such darkness. It was a Facebook post by her brother on Saturday morning to memorialize her 7 year anniversary that jogged the memory of the dream I had the night before. There was no premeditation that led to my dream that night, I am not one for remembering dates. Carolyn came to me, as she has in the past, peacefully and timely.
Thank you, Angel of Mine.

Carolyn was tormented with overlapping mental illnesses that modern medicine could not help. If you know someone who suffers from mental illness and would like to help, please visit the National Alliance For Mental Illness (NAMI) website.

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels"

I weigh in at about 119 at 5'2. Now since I am still nursing, I reduce that number down a bit in my head. I have lost approx 13 lbs since January.
It was then that my dear husband pointed out that I may be gaining some weight.
Ladies, Ladies, you can close your mouths. We have a mutual agreement that if one of us appears to be packing on the pounds (and there are no extenuating circumstances like pregnancy for me and oh yeah, he gets to gain during pregnancy too), we will tell each other immediately.
He knows me so well as to pinpoint an exact moment to the pound that puts me out of his comfort zone. It's a bit harder for me to tell as he can cover it far better.
This little agreement, this right we have bestowed upon one another, is healthy as far as I am concerned. I do not expect perfection by any means-BUT- having a healthy sex life is a necessity. Like a, could- have- been- in- a- pre-nuptial- agreement- if- I- had- one, necessity.
Trust me, the first (and only) time my husband exercised this right back in January was not pretty. I was a little over a year post pregnancy and I thought I looked ok. I came down in to the living room in my new jean leggings that I was so very excited about, and bam he gave me the news. I was pissed, so fucking pissed my head was spinning. This is my usual reaction to cover up hurt and embarrassment. He said very calmly, "I am just exercising my right Michele, I love you know matter what." I told him how fat he was and how he wasn't the one who carried our dam baby for 9 months. I told him he should go find someone better, thinner, and that looked good in jean leggings.
You are still probably convinced that this was cruel treatment. But what I haven't told you is that I have previously exercised this right, on several occasions and was the one to implement it as an agreement in the first place. And so my husband at this moment reminded me of that.
Ok, so what is a girl to do but lose some weight. I pride myself on being attractive in the eyes of my husband. I recognize that this stepford wife mentality may sound submissive to you. But wait dear feminists, the movement that you are part of is about choice, right?
In an article titled "A Spouse's Weight Gain Could Affect Your Sex Life," Toby Elkin quotes a woman who withholds sex from her beefy husband because she thinks, "It's kind of symbolic of the way he feels about our relationship." She makes a solid point that I in fact agree with!
Thirteen pounds later, I feel outstanding! I am so thankful for the honesty in my relationship. I love that my husband and I keep each other on our toes and always expect the very best.
BTW- It was Kate Moss who said, "Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels." I do not consider myself skinny, but if I did, I could definitely find something that tasted better!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Standing Outside the Circle

The definition of eloquence is "fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking in public. It is primarily the power of expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language, thereby producing conviction or persuasion. The term is also used for writing in a fluent style."
It is clear from the name of my blog that I do not put too much pressure on myself in the way of eloquence, when it comes to writing. At least not yet. This is certainly not true when speaking in public. I am a strong public speaker. A public speaker at all is strong.
I have been thinking a lot about my blog and with each post I become more comfortable with it. One of the thoughts that has been plaguing me is the feeling of being on the outside. It could be partly to do with the area in which I live; a tremendously academic area, crawling with highly educated and opinionated (ok, passionate) people. I ponder how ones physical location reflects in their blogs. If I were living in Manhattan as a Manhattanite, blogging about fashion and entertainment would not feel "dumb."
Blogging in Western Mass is like being a chef in Italy. The other chefs seem to be part of an elite crowd and the people eating are the harshest of critics. These elite intellectuals that I live amongst use words like lovely, musings, and plethora. As much as I value their eloquentness, I just can not bring myself to use the word "lovely."
Listen, I am not implying that I am having an identity-crisis at all. In fact, my sense of self is crystal clear. And I am certainly not implying that I am dumb. I am pretty dam smart actually. Writing has added a layer to my being that is requiring me to dig deep inside myself. What do I want to say? How quickly do I want to share myself with you?
Yesterday I read a post from my Mommy Bloggers Facebook Page written by Marian Kent. Quoting her, "Don't dumb down or squelch yourself, not for anyone." She writes of "using your words." It is my interpretation that she encourages the reader to dig deep, say what you feel, mean what you say, and be OK with it.
We are all standing outside some circles and holding hands or standing tall in the center of others. I think it is all a matter of perspective and who you choose to surround yourself with. But regardless of where we stand, our words come from within us and give us power beyond belief.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obtrusive Thoughts

Starting off at about 6:30am when Victoria woke me up with her usual call of "NaNa mama, mama NaNa, Nani, " I started to think about food. Food and tea are of utmost importance to me. I pretty much make it through the day knowing that I will get to eat and drink tea all day.
Next thought that stands out comes at about 11:30 while walking down the makeup aisle of my local cvs. It popped in almost in PTSD fashion. (You know where you look around to be sure the person in your thought from years ago is not there) I'm 10 and I am so trying on lipstick in cvs. Very scary woman turns to me and says "Haven't you ever heard of AIDS?" F---! that scared me.
The afternoon goes by with one big intrusive thought that I still have not resolved. When do I come out of the closet? I mean, I have taken on this blog to share myself with God knows who, and somehow I can not completely let go. I may offend somebody that I care about or that only knows me in a certain light. And that got me thinking about the fact that people I see everyday who may be reading my blog are finding things out about me without me ever directly telling them. So I may be sitting with a friend talking about a movie and they may be thinking "I know that all you think about is food and that your baby still sleeps in bed with you and demands NaNa's at 6:45 in the morning. I am soliciting advice from any bloggers reading this. Is there a point where you say "F it" I am going to let it all hang out and show you all of me? Or do you keep up a wall for some time that slowly comes down, like you might with a budding friendship? I am also sending out an open invitation for anyone who reads my blog to tell me that you read it. Or don't, it may be more fun for you that way.
Now moving on to my impromptu trip to the Holyoke Mall. I need some kind of stroller so I decide that it might not be that bad to rent one of those ridiculous red plastic cars with the big black pole sticking out of them so they can't be stolen.

$4 later, I am wondering why the hell I thought this was a good idea. I feel like such an ass. I know I look like an ass. Every person that passed was thinking, poor girl, why doesn't she have her own stroller, they are not very expensive, it must be serious. I swear one lady wanted to give me hers. To add insult to injury, I look down to notice a sign on the small mesh bag for storing things that says "Do Not Put Child In Bag."

This confirms all of my thoughts of feeling like a complete ass strolling this dam thing around. The last straw came when I overheard a woman say to her friend "That's why animals eat their young." Get me the hell out of this place! Who knows what may pop in to this head if I stay here any longer. Victoria just may end up in that bag!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Research Pays Off

This past week marked my daughter Victoria's 18 month mark and therefore her 18 month check-up. Choosing a pediatrician for the first time can be a daunting task. I consider myself an expert researcher. I can get to the bottom of anything in minutes, sometimes seconds. Most people do not realize just how much information is available online and sometimes by simply making a good old fashioned phone call. (Which leads me to another thought about the AT&T sales guy who told me that people do not talk anymore and that the future business plan of AT&T is modeled around texting. Well they better invent voice activation text otherwise the roads are going to see more pileups then they can handle.)
My research in my 9th month of pregnancy led us to Dr. Brooks of Holyoke Pediatrics. The first time we visited with Dr. Brooks was at the 1 week mark. I was seriously committed to breastfeeding and seriously had no idea how much work it was going to be upfront. Now remember, I research everything, so I had heard that it takes work and that although it seems natural there is a learning curve involved. As we waited in the tiny little room, I was interested to see how my selection via internet research was going to pan out.
From the moment she walked through the door I knew I had done well. She was just so gentle. Not a meek, decile gentle. More of a peaceful, mellow gentle. She said very little, but said so much. (Keep in mind, my mom was injected by needle to dry up her milk with baby #1 and tied up with me. So she could not really help in the way of nursing.) Dr. Brooks told me that the next couple of weeks Victoria was going to suck the life out of me, literally, but that from there it only goes up. She empathized by telling me her experience of feeling so needed with her first. And how feeling so needed was so scary. Now it seems so basic and obvious, what she told me. But what I realize is that she didn't have to tell me. And who knows what that may have meant. When I left that room I had a new outlook. I felt empowered and OK.
This past visit left me again patting myself on the back for my master research skills. As Victoria and I waited she sat on my lap in diaper straddled facing me, (a recent favorite position to hold my baby and perfect for toddler nursing) as we read a book. Dr. Brooks walked in with her usual temperate demeanor, Victoria now resting her head on my chest. She looked over and said "Amazing, she still looks like she is part of you." We chatted about a couple of things and then in an air of easy unconcern she said, "she is average in height and she is slim." She immediately proceeded that with, "We don't worry about slim, we worry about not slim." I expressed my concern for a stubborn runny nose and she said, "We don't really worry about it unless it gets worse. Lingering is fine. Let me say this with more assertion, we don't worry about lingering at all."
After coming over and checking my ears to show Victoria just how easy and painless it was, she checked Victoria. Victoria was wailing in protest. She told me, "it was a sign of intelligence when a baby understood that she was the only one naked in a room of people." Exam over, baby nurses, room is calm. "Still enjoying nursing," says Dr. Brooks. Before she finished her very short sentence, I began to say, "I know I have to start" and before I finished she said, "no you don't, if it works for both of you, enjoy."
I went on to tell her it was amazing how full circle things have been. First visit, I didn't know how I could get through another day nursing and now 18 short months later I was trying to figure out how I could buy more days to nurse my sweet angel. "It is amazing to see a mother who truly enjoys her baby. It is the greatest gift you can give her, your love." A bit more conversation and as she began to leave she said, "keep doing what your doing, Victoria is perfect."
So it is here I want to say to Dr. Brooks, keep doing what your doing, you are perfect.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

How To Add Your Blog To Your Facebook Page

More technology stuffy Mommy Bloggers.
You can add your blog to your Facebook Fan Pages to streamline things for your followers.
In order to do this your blog has to have an RSS feed. Most blogging platforms do, but to be sure you can usually look in your browser all the way to the right and it will say RSS.
There are several applications that can be used, but thus far I have found Social RSS to be the easiest to access and maintain.

Here are the steps to follow
1) While signed in to FB begin typing Social RSS in your search box at the top of your page and click on it to select.
2) Once there, click on the "add to my page" link under the picture. Next to your page click the "add to page" button.
3) Go to your Fan Page
4)Under your profile picture click "edit page."
5) Scroll down to Social RSS and click edit.
6) You will be taken to the Social RSS page. The first thing you need to do is hit the authorize Social RSS button. When the pop-up window appears hit "allow."
7) About half way down the page on the right you will see something that says quick select and it should have your Page in a drop down menu. If you have more then one page, they will all appear. Make sure the one you are looking to add the blog to is selected.
8)Under feed settings you need to add the exact URL where it says URL ( be sure you add the URL to your RSS feed not just your website URL) You can leave alternative link blank.
9)Under Tab Sections, add the title of your blog to the title box, a short description in the introduction box, a website link to your blog, and the number of posts you would like to show (max 10) at one time. You can customize the rest to your liking.
10) Click Update at the bottom and when the box comes up about a paid upgrade hit close.
11) To navigate back to your page look directly under the word Facebook at the top to find your page name and click it.
12) To make the tab visible click the + next to your tabs (wall, photo, etc) and highlight the RSS/Blog item.
13) Lastly, drag and drop this tab next to your info tab

Again pat yourself on the back for making your FB page even cooler!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Adding an Email-Sign Up Tab to Your Facebook Fan Page

Have you been looking for a way to add a tab to your Facebook Fan Page that will allow fans to sign up to receive your blog or newsletter?
Adding the Static FBML application to your page is easy!

I would print this post because you will get re-directed in the following steps. This will take about 30 minutes so set aside some time and be patient You'll be happy you did!

Adding the tab feature
1) Log in to your Facebook Account
2) Click here
3) From Static FBML fan page under the profile picture, click add to my page
4) A pop up will appear that will have your fan page/s listed, select the page you wish to add the tab to

Creating the Form
Please note that free forms have many uses and once you are comfortable with the setup you can play around and customize it to suite your needs.

1) Click here
2) Hit Sign-Up now for free and sign up
3) Locate where it says create a new form and click on that
What to Input?
Step 1 of 7, Name the form Email Sign-Up or whatever you would like, use the email address you want the sign-ups to come to (Please note that you will have to manually add your new subscribers to your email list), use your companies website if you have one for the thank you email address (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT, IT WILL SEND PEOPLE TO YOUR SITE AFTER THEY SIGN UP AS OPPOSED TO THE EMAILMEFORM SITE) and keep the #4 for the number of lines to start
Step 2 of 7, Now add what you want the form to say, such as "Your Name", "Your Email" "Age of Children" "Where did you hear about us" You can customize it for your needs.
Step 3 of 7, Leave it exactly the way it is
Step 4 of 7, Customize your form by changing the font, color of text and background by clicking on pick. The form description should read what you want the form to say at the top. (An example would be, "Leave your info to receive my blog posts straight to your inbox") Leave everything else the same
Step 5 of 7, Leave as is
Step 6 of 7, Check out what you made and make sure you like the colors, etc, you can go back and play with colors and heading if you want, once your happy click Finish.

Getting the Code
On the next page click on the highlighted area that says GET THE HTML CODE.
BAM, now you have your code, copy it and go back to FB.

Putting It All Together
1) From your FB fan page go to edit page under the picture
2) Scroll Down to the FBML app and click edit
3) In the top part enter what you want the tab to be called, such as Blog Sign-Up
4) In the box paste your code
5) Save Changes
6) At the top click on the link to get back to your page
7) There should now be a tab called Boxes
8) Click on the + sign and you should see something that says whatever you used as the header in step 3 of this section. Click on that.
9) Now you should see it in the tabs, but there is one last step.
10) Go back to the edit page and find your FBML app. Click application settings and where it says boxes hit remove.
11) Sorry one last step, pat yourself on the back for being an unbelievable person!

Feel free to comment with questions, love to help.

Want to do more with your FBML tab to further customize your page?
Check out Nathan Latka at Fan Page Factory on FB. He is the king of all things FBML!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I look forward to S’s posts via Facebook each morning. This particular post really inspired me. This is what it said.

“I heart this, the idea that utopia INCLUDES abortion access. I had been mulling a post about how my ideal world includes abortion, but now I don't think I need to write it: thank you The Abortioneers! Oh, & GIVE: do it on this last day of the bowl-a-thon/blog-a-thon.”

Her post included a link to a blog called “The Abortioneers” written by “DESEMBARAZARME” titled “Utopia.” You should STOP reading my post and read “Utopia” before you continue.

Let me be clear right off the bat. I am not anti-abortion in all cases. I am certain that there are some situations, such as rape or health related problems, in which abortion is the best option. (Note that only 1% of abortions are preformed as a result of rape and 6% because of health reasons)

Years ago I accompanied a friend of mine to abort an unwanted child. She had no money, no status, no special doctor and she was given proper care to abort her child.

Several years later I became pregnant with my own child. What a miracle it was to make love to my soul mate and create a child that was 50% he and 50% I. This was a wanted child. She died at 8 weeks gestation. For anyone who has experienced the loss of a child at any stage without choice, you can understand the pain we experienced. She came to me in a dream a few days before her due date and I will never let go of that image.

After losing a child my perspective on abortion changed. It was my first reproductive experience and I had a lot of questions. Was I destined to never carry a child full term? Did God punish me for supporting my friend’s choice years ago? Would adoption be a real option for me? Am I going to end up in the mental hospital as a result of this turmoil? With all of the unanswered questions there was one thing that was certain. My baby girl was more then just an embryo or a fetus. I felt her soul enter my body through my womb and leave my body through my heart. She was just as deserving of unconditional love as a child at 40 weeks gestation or 40 years old.

For me, other then the reasons I mentioned above (rape or health), there is no single reason that I can think of to voluntarily abort a child. Why should a woman have the right to kill her unborn child when a woman suffering from postpartum depression who kills her child ends up behind bars for life? Both woman momentarily perceived that the child was unwanted.

NEWS FLASH birth control is affordable and accessible, in fact it is virtually free if you get in touch with your body and find it. I would venture to say that abstaining from sex for those couple magical days of the month is probably as effective as the most effective birth control you can buy.

And as for hearing a woman “sob about how she couldn't possibly continue this pregnancy because she had no job and no support and her kids were already wearing clothes that were too small, so how in the world would she be able to get the hundreds or even thousands of dollars needed to have an abortion?” Did she have no obligation to consider that when she decided to have unprotected sex?

Abortion is not the only answer to an unwanted pregnancy. There are millions of people who are unable to reproduce or for other reasons such as sexual orientation that could adopt these so called “unwanted” children. The same people who choose abortion do not choose giving their children up for adoption because they fear they will become attached during pregnancy. That seems like a selfish reason to me. Adoption is a real solution that benefits other members of society without killing an unborn child. I would go out on a limb and say that parents who have adopted a child think that child is pretty special and certainly wanted.

If Utopia includes a place “where woman talk about their (positive) abortion experiences in the same breath as they talk about the frozen yogurt they had last night,” count me out. How can you analogize taking the life of an unborn child with eating frozen yogurt?

Life is hard and sometimes we make decisions that give us outcomes we think we can not or do not wish to handle. Living with the consequences of those choices takes inner strength and makes us more resilient people. There is a greater picture out there than the very fleeting feelings of fear and anxiety felt when unexpected or unwanted things happen to us. Having consensual sex is a choice that you make with full disclosure. The unborn child has no choice.

You can find S's post here to see a nicely written opposing view.