Monday, June 14, 2010

The Potbelly: Coming Soon to a Town Near You.

We returned today, from our mini-vacation to the big apple. My husband and I love New York City. Let me expand on that. We love to visit New York City. We have no interest in living there and actually find it quite amazing that people do. It astonishes me with every trip the way that it works. With the level of diversity, the density of the population, and the number of honking horns, it surprises me that anarchy does not break out.
As I walked from our hotel on 50th between 3rd and Lexington, I was so happy to be with the people. Oh the people. NYC truly defines America, and truly is the real deal. With each person that passes, there is a wonder for me about how they got there.
What struck me with this visit?
The potbelly is back.
I'm not talking about the large protruding bellies that are an obvious result of being unhealthy. I am referring to the small, soft bellies on women otherwise in good shape. Ladies of all backgrounds and ethnicities are proudly sporting their lovely (wow, I just used the word lovely, hmmm) kangaroo pouches. Don't get me wrong there were plenty of women who had zero percent body fat and flat bellies walking the streets.
But, there was a discernible amount of women, that were proudly highlighting their potbellies.
I was particularly happy about this trend. I know that I am often blogging about being in good shape, but there is something so sexy about a woman with a potbelly. I am not sure if it is the thoughts of childbearing, lovemaking, or self confidence that makes the potbelly on a woman so appealing to me.
We all know Fabienne and Butch's famous conversation in Pulp Fiction about Fabienne wishing she had a pot and Butch asking her if she wished she had more pot. It was the end of their conversation, particularly the last line, that strikes me.

Fabienne: No. Pot bellies make a man look either oafish, or like a gorilla. But on a woman, a pot belly is very sexy. The rest of you is normal. Normal face, normal legs, normal hips, normal ***, but with a big, perfectly round pot belly. If I had one, I'd wear a tee-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it.
Butch: You think guys would find that attractive?
Fabienne: I don't give a damn what men find attractive. It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same. "

Touch has emotion. Touch arouses more than just the body, but the mind and the spirit (think making love to your soulmate). Touch can temporarily block all other senses or cognition's (think getting together with the guy you just meant at the bar).
Love is love, lust is lust, either way, touch is powerful and raw.
I am a proud supporter of the potbelly, in fact on most days I sport one myself. NYC usually initiates trends before the rest of the world can tell. So with any luck in the near future, you will be witness to the potbelly in a town near you.
How do you feel about that?

PS: If you are thinking I just went on a tangent with the psychoanalysis of touch, I did. That is the beauty of having a blog. It is mine and I can do what I want with it.


dolores said...

wonderful honey. i will print it at

kristi summer said...

This is so funny! I love that part of Pulp Fiction, my fav movie. I, however, am not a fan of the potbelly lol.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know we haven't spoken much lates, but just so you know, I do read your entries


Quasi-Eloquent Mom said...

Thanks B! I hope you are enjoying them! Keep reading, comment when you can, and become a fan of my facebook page!
Love you and miss you lots.
I was just telling Vlad that I needed to come see you asap.

Minnesota Mamaleh said...

love the post, love the tangent and love your note. indeed, it *is* yours and it's extremely well done!! :)

Moxie Momma said...

I love this post. It resonated with me in two ways. First, NYC is my favorite city so I have to admit I had to get over a few jealous pangs before I could proceed on to the meat of the story. Second, I sport a bit of a pot belly myself, and although I am trying to lose it, I am intrigued by the possibility that it might just be fashionable. Keep me posted and I might just begin displaying my pot in public...oh that didn't sound right, did it???

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